Client Portals + Legal Apps, Engineered

Engineer.Legal is a boutique legaltech consultancy working with law firm innovation, knowledge and technology teams to enhance their client-facing portals and apps.

We provide design expertise, functional enhancement, integration and orchestration for legal extranets such as Thomson Reuters HighQ and low code app builders including Fliplet and Microsoft Power Platform.

As Legal Engineers, we accelerate innovation delivery and maximise the value of your legal technology stack.

HighQ Data Visualization Plug-ins >

For HighQ users, we have developed a range of data visualization plug-ins that can enhance legislation tracking, case management, and portfolio client portals as well as internal dashboards:  See all our HighQ Plug-ins 


Dynamically transform your legislation tracker Excel spreadsheets into an interactive geographical tool with HighQ iSheets and Engineer.Map. 


Engineer.List turns HighQ iSheet data into an attractive, interactive panel layout that resizes automatically for mobile and desktop use.


EngineerTable can embed resizable iSheet table widgets and comparison tables into HighQ Home and Wiki pages without iframes or HighQ API calls.


Provide visual updates to matter progression as part of your HighQ dashboards. Show live status information across multiple matters with a interactive dropdown menu.


See dates from iSheets and tasks in a customizable, resizable calendar widget that can be embedded in Home Pages and Wiki modules, without the need create duplicate, out of sync events in the Events module.


Enables you to see a bird's eye view of your projects and matters directly from the home or wiki modules, without the need to access the Tasks module or iSheets.


Turn iSheet data into org charts or company ownership structure diagrams through many-to-many parent-child relationships.

Services >

Portal Design

Custom HTML and CSS to create attractive home and login pages

JavaScript Code

Adding custom-coded functionality (calculations, shortcuts, visualizations)


Developing roll-out plans, assisting with prioritization of use cases

Advanced Usage

Mass litigation, complex transaction management, large scale portfolios, CLM

Data Integration

Leverage APIs to make use of data from other web or internal applications


Automate common tasks such as data archive, user reporting and site creation