
> Engineer.Legal +

Engineer.Legal has partnered with some of the most powerful and prolific client-facing legaltech companies. We have working relationships with products team to suggest enhancements, access to sandboxes to test new features and intimate knowledge of the products, API's and roadmaps.

HighQ is at the core of most firms' client-facing collaboration and portal technology stack. It's flexibility and integration capabilities offer a range of options for configuration to meet innovative firm needs and client demands

Fliplet is a low-code platform that enables law firm innovators to rapidly develop web and mobile apps using templates and drag and drop components. It is extremely adaptable when combined with custom CSS and JavaScript

Autologxy combines powerful workflow automation with relational data to deliver and automate legal and compliance work. The platform excels at delivering one-to-many data solutions such as large litigation cases or complex mergers

If you are looking for assistance in enhancing your client-facing applications feel free to email


or find a time to connect for a quick call here