Engineer.Calendar Support

Installation Documentation, Advanced Configuration + FAQs


EngineerCalendar allows the presentation of calendars directly from HighQ iSheet and Task metadata in Home or Wiki pages without the need to use Workflow





If this is your first Engineer Legal plugin you'll need to create your engineerLegal-plugins file. Instructions for this will be in your welcome email.

Download engineerCalendar.js, engineerCore.js

Upload both files to your HighQ instance in the System Admin File Library - This can be reached by clicking the profile picture/icon in the top right of your HighQ Instance > System Admin > File Library. Click “Add new file” and select each of the files to upload.

Copy each of the URLs for the uploaded files, we'll need to reference these in your engineerLegal-plugins file. DO NOT use the Get Link/Public link column, this will make your file publicly accessible. 

Updating your version

When new versions become available download the updated js files provided. Then, in your HighQ instance, navigate to the System Admin File Library and locate your existing EngineerCalendar.js install. Clicking on the file ID to the left of this filename will open the "Update file" page, allowing you to replace the older file with the updated one you just downloaded. BEWARE: this overwrite happens immediately upon clicking Save and is irreversible. Ensure you are overwriting the correct file by double checking the File name field before clicking Choose File. It is advisable to always have backups of all files stored in the System Admin File Library.

After updating the file it can sometimes take a a little while to update for all users if their browsers are caching older code, if any user reports issues advising them to clear their cache using CTRL + SHIFT + R to do a hard refresh of the page.

Adding a chart to a HighQ site 

You’ll need iSheets and either the Home or Wiki modules available in your site, if you want to use data from the Task module for your chart, enable that too. 

Add to your Home/Wiki page 

Go to the Home or Wiki page where you would like your chart to appear. Edit the panel and select Source view. 

Use the HighQ editor to add a link to your iSheet view (more help here: Add a link to a page with the rich text editor - Thomson Reuters HighQ Knowledge)

Once you've created your link, open the panel in Source view and paste in the below minimum code needed to run – the “flag_” links will need to be replaced with your links from the installation section. Ensure there is no space before the closing "</script>" tag when you edit these as this can cause the chart to load multiple times.

As of the new version 4 there is a new, simplified method to load each plugin, allowing quick switching between different plugin types, you only need to include:

<div id="calendarContainer1"><script>


      container: 'calendarContainer1',
      plugin: 'calendar',


<!-- EngineerLegal-plugins--><script src="./flag/flag_50i54j53i54h51k53k54.action"></script>
<!--EngineerCore--><script src="./flag/flag_50l53n55j49j57k51i50.action"></script>

the old method of loading a plugin is still supported, please contact us to upgrade rather that using the below deprecated method:


<!-- EngineerCore --><script src="./flag/flag_50i54j53i54h51k53k54.action"></script>

<!--EngineerCalendar --><script src="./flag/flag_50l53n55j49j57k51i50.action"></script>

<div id="calendarContainer1"><script>

            engineerCalendar ({

            container: 'calendarContainer1',





Click Ok and then Save and your chart should appear. If you get a popup saying to remove <script> tags then see this article: Enable users to bypass XSS protection and add custom Javascript to a - Thomson Reuters HighQ Knowledge  

You can hide the link to your iSheet view if you don't want it to be visible by opening the Source view again, and locating this bit of HTML: 

class="CKContextLink" and adding a space inside the last double quote and adding the word "hidden" so: class="CKContextLink hidden"


Modifying Options 

The code for each chart can be modified by setting the options, these are the lines of code ending in a comma (,) between the curly braces ({}) after “engineerCalendar”. Each line changes or provides information to a different component of the chart. Details of all the options available are listed in the Advanced Configuration section of this guide. 

To add a new option, add a new line after the last comma and before the last curly brace and add your option line as below. 

Warning: HighQ does not keep a version history of your edits to code in Home pages so it's good practice you save your code into another window such as notepad before making changes in case you need to roll back.  


        container: 'calendarContainer1', <<ADD NEW LINE HERE>> 


For example, if you wanted to hide the time of events from the calendar UI we can use the "showTime" option.


We would add a new line to the code above, add our option, then a colon (:) then a single quote (‘) then the word false, then another single quote and comma. The default is 'true' but if all our events are considered to be all day events then we can disable the times. This would look like:

        container: 'calendarContainer1',  

        showTime: 'false’, 



Advanced Configuration 

This section lists all the possible options that can be used to modify the standard behavior. See “Modifying Options” section for instructions on using these. 

Required Options 

The below options MUST be included for the chart to load.




Tells the code where you want the chart to appear on your page. It requires a corresponding HTML element similar to <div id="calendarContainer1">&nbsp;</div> somewhere on the page. This div element can use any term between the quotes in the id= attribute as long as it corresponds exactly with the container option value. 


Configuration Options 

The below options can be used to modify the behavior or look and feel of the chart. They do not need to be set and can be removed to return them to their defaults.


default: '0'


nameColumn: '3', 

When set to a number corresponding to a column in the iSheet view (starting from 0 for the leftmost column) the value in that column will be displayed in the event pills on the calendar


default: 'false'


otherColumns: '4,6,8', 

When set to a number or comma separated list of numbers corresponding to columns in the iSheet view (starting from 0 for the leftmost column) those columns will also will be displayed as new lines on the event pill.


default: 'auto'


statusColumn: '3', 

When set to a number corresponding to a column in the iSheet view (starting from 0 for the leftmost column) which MUST be a choice column type; the colors from this column's selected choice will be used to color each event.


default: '#0a1431'


defaultEventColor: 'navy', 

If no status column is is created, this determines the default color of each event in the calendar


default: 'auto'


startDateColumn: '3', 

When set to a number corresponding to a column in the iSheet view (starting from 0 for the leftmost column) which MUST be a date column type; the value from this column will be used for the date of each event in the calendar. This is useful if your "Start Date" column in your iSheet must be called something else.

Please note that while multi-day events are planned for EngineerCalendar, they are not currently supported.


default: 'false'


taskSearch: '0', 

When set to a number corresponding to a column in the iSheet, clicking on a bar will open the HighQ site Tasks module and pre-filter the results based on the value in the column for this panel. If the column contains a task name, for example, then all tasks matching that name will be displayed.


default: 'false'


eventLinks: 'isheet', 

Add an click action to each event in the calendar that can perform one of several actions depending on the option:

eventLinks: 'viewItem',        - will open the HighQ view item modal window for the record selected

eventLinks: 'print',            - will open the HighQ print preview pane for the iSheet record selected

eventLinks: 'isheet',        - will navigate to the iSheet view filtered to just show the record selected

eventLinks: 'default',         - will navigate to the iSheet of the record selected but the default view instead of the view chosen for the table


default: 'blank'


linkTab: 'self', 

Determines if links from a clicked panel should open in the same tab ('self') or a new tab ('blank').


default: '0'


weekStart: '1', 

Determines which day of the week should be the leftmost on the calendar. 0 being Sunday for the US market, 1 being Monday for the European market, and 6 being Saturday for the Middle East.


default: 'true'


showTime: 'false', 

Determines if the events should show a time of the event or hide it.


default: 'true'


use24hTime: 'false', 

If showTime above is set to true determines if the time format should be 24h (true) or 12h (false)


default: 'true'


showLegend: 'false', 

If set to the false, the legend describing the event colors will be hidden


default: 'false'


labelTooltips: 'true', 

If set to the true, the title of an event on the calendar will pop out above the event pill when the mouse hovers over it.


default: 'false'


tooltipOtherColumns: '1,4', 

Displays the values of other columns from your data on the event tooltip when labalTooltips is set  to true. To display multiple column values add their column position in your view and the column number in a comma separated list. The first column is column 0 the second is 1, etc.


default: 'false'


otherColumns: '1,4', 

Displays the values of other columns from your data on the event panel in the calendar. To display multiple column values add their column position in your view and the column number in a comma separated list. The first column is column 0 the second is 1, etc.


default: 'false'


useAllDateColumns: 'true', 

If set to the true, the calendar will  generate events for each date column in the iSheet view. The event names will be a concatenation of the row name from the nameColumn above and the isheet column name e.g. Case 001 - Trial Date